Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Been going over ways to heat the home without using electricity, or at least reduce the heating cost. Decided to go old school and check out wood burning stoves. I know this isn't some dramatic discovery, a lot of people have them, but I was surprised at how cheap they were and that most models are designed with a flat top for cooking (as long as you have cast iron pots and pans). Even cooler, some are designed to heat water and help you lower your water heating bill some like Outdoor Furnaces. There are a few companies that make them, I only linked to the one, but this link should help you understand more about them if you like the idea of heating your house and your water with a wood stove.

If you don't like going outside to reload the stove, they have indoor stoves and I think some have water heating accessories, but I don't know for a fact. Here's a couple others that I found that may be useful. I plan on checking out the tent stove for a tiny cabin, once I do, I'll update this one.

Tent Stoves
Deluxe Barrel Wood Stove Kit

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